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Try One of These Refreshing Alternatives to Soda

Diet soda aficionados are not exempt either. “Although diet soda lacks added sugar and empty calories found in regular soda, some evidence suggests that it is not significantly superior to regular soda, if any improvement is observed.

Ingestion of diet cola is directly associated with abdominal obesity in adults over the age of 65, according to a previous study. The increase in waist circumference was three times greater among diet beverage consumers than among nonconsumers.

“Although diet sodas do not contain the same amount of calories or sugar as regular sodas, it is believed that the body detects the sweet flavor and desires the calories that would normally accompany that flavor.

Consequently, individuals compensate for the calories they consume in other foods by consuming them at other points in the day.”
Therefore, what are some more favorable options? One may opt for a plethora of alternative revitalizing beverages that also possess nutritional value in lieu of carbonated soda. Nonetheless, it is crucial to contemplate the components present in your beverage alternatives. It is not much healthier to substitute processed tea and coffee beverages, which frequently contain added sugar, for cola. This is especially true regarding high-sugar fruit juices.

Infuse Your Water With Delicious Flavor

Try One of These Refreshing Alternatives to Soda

Many flavored waters on the market today contain artificial sweeteners or sugar. Natural flavorings are much more healthful. Simply incorporate sliced portions of preferred fruits, vegetables, and herbs (e.g., limes, watermelon, cucumber, mint, or lemons) into a pitcher of chilled water to create a revitalizing and palatable concoction. Alternatively, fruit that has been chopped and combined with water in an ice cube tray can be frozen. Incorporate these vibrant fruit cubes into your beverage to impart color and flavor instantly.

Go Natural With Green Tea, Hot or Iced

According to a previous review of green tea research, it may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease. In addition, according to the aforementioned analysis, the USDA states that green tea is naturally rich in antioxidants and calorie-free (when consumed without milk or sugar). There exists a wide array of green tea varieties. Embrace it chilled or heated.

Take Your Water Sparkling for That Bubbly Feeling

Try One of These Refreshing Alternatives to Soda

Traditional H2O is the cleanest alternative to carbonated soft drinks; however, “some individuals find it difficult to transition from soda to water immediately. One method of easing this transition is to consume a simple seltzer one can experience the physiological benefits of water while also gaining the carbonated sensation of soda. Furthermore, consuming in moderation does not pose any health risks.

You may have observed the proliferation of alternative varieties of seltzers, including prebiotic and probiotic sparkling waters, adaptogenic sparkling water, and CBD water.

There is simply not enough scientific evidence to recommend the use of these products.” “While I would not explicitly dissuade them, the cost of these premium sparkling waters may not be justified by the potential health benefits they offer.”

Add Juice to Seltzer and You’ve Got ‘Jeltzer’

Rather than purchasing expensive vitamin-enhanced waters or saccharine sodas, which are also high in calories, one can simply combine seltzer with 100 percent no-sugar-added juice. Furthermore, pomegranate or grape juice, which is viscous and astringent, serves as an excellent “Meltzer” basis and may also provide health benefits. One-third juice and three-quarters seltzer are combined to produce this carbonated and airy mixture.

Antioxidants, which are found in pomegranate and grape juice, may aid in the protection of the brain and blood vessels. A preliminary, small study discovered that pomegranate juice improved mild memory issues in older individuals. However, one of the study authors’ educational grants was funded by Pom Wonderful, the manufacturer of a well-known pomegranate beverage, which could have had an indirect impact on the study’s findings. Additionally, this four-week study involved only 32 participants; therefore, further investigation is warranted.

The heart may be protected by grape juice, according to a previous article. Although the precise grape variety and dosage of grape juice that confer cardiovascular benefits remain unknown to scientists, the authors of the present investigation noted that as little as a half to one cup of Concord grape juice contained flavonoids, which are disease-preventing compounds present in plants including grapes.

Fake a Lemon-Lime Soda to Satisfy Your Citrus Fix

Try One of These Refreshing Alternatives to Soda

Having trouble giving up your preferred citrus-flavored soda? Enjoy a momentary indulgence with a reduced-sugar alternative prepared with lemon or lime juice and a trace amount of sweetener. Commence by combining a glass of carbonated or seltzer water with a few segments of lemon, lime, or both, along with a pinch of stevia-based sweetener, which is low in carbohydrates and calorie-free. Although more rigorous research is required, a small, short-term study suggests that consuming beverages sweetened with 1 g of stevia does not stimulate appetite.

Red Wine May Be Fine When Consumed in Moderation

If a spirit is being combined with cola, it might be more prudent to request a glass of wine, particularly the red variety. Red wine consumption has been linked to potential health benefits, including improved heart health and a reduced risk of developing certain types of cancer.” Additionally, research is being conducted to determine whether resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine, has a cancer-preventative influence.

However, it is crucial to remember that these health benefits are exclusively linked to moderate alcohol consumption.

If you are not presently consuming alcohol, it is critical that you refrain from beginning in an effort to attain these potential advantages.”

If you do indulge in red wine on occasion, monitor your intake. Alcohol consumption is recommended to be limited to one drink (4 ounces of wine) per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Juice Fresh Vegetables, No Chopping Needed

Try One of These Refreshing Alternatives to Soda

Juiced vegetables provide a rapid, low-calorie, and fiber-free method to obtain numerous health benefits of vegetables. In addition, it contains significantly less natural sugar than fruit beverages, as stated in Nutrition’s eighth chapter. As an illustration, 1 cup of tomato juice contains 6 g of sugar, whereas 1 cup of citrus juice contains approximately 24 g of sugar (USDA).

However, vegetable juices can be high in sodium; one cup of tomato juice contains 629 milligrams (mg), or approximately 27 percent of the daily value for sodium. Whenever possible, choose a low-sodium variety.

Read Also: Super Healthy Drinks

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